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(but my best friends call me hayds) and this is my blog: chalked full of the thoughts, ideas, tips, creations and celebrations (small and large) that make up life. I’m someone who thrives on tiny joys and genuine conversations with awesome people. I’m a firm believer that iced coffee is far better than hot coffee even when it’s chilly outside (though iced vanilla chai just may be the key to my heart), that autumn is the best season of all (sweater weather for the win) and that all of life’s problems can be solved with a little bit of sunshine and a whole lot of Jesus. I’m a lover of people, pretty flowers, creativity, rom coms, travel, handwritten letters and bodies of water in any shape/size/form.

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1 Timothy 6:17 says “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything for us to enjoy”. — God is the giver, creator and provider of everything good. He is the only one capable of sustaining and loving us fully. Because of this great affection, we are called to love Him with everything, serve His people with everything, and bring His kingdom, his heaven, to earth with everything we’ve got.



I believe those simple things are crucial- that life really begins when you live out those truths to the fullest. That’s what this blog is all about. Everything is just that- everything. Every bit that makes up our lives, whether it’s studying scripture, traveling, going to work, interacting with people or relaxing by ourselves, it all plays a role in who we are as an active part of the body of Christ.

My goal for this blog is to build a community of encouragement, positivity and love for serving our awesome Father throughout every aspect of life. Here you’ll find blog post from my World Race (a nine-month missions trip to four incredible countries), as well as new posts about just about everything. I genuinely hope you’ll stick around to enjoy the party (it’ll be a fun time, if I do say so myself)!!

